How To Unclog Stubborn Kitchen Sink Drain, Easy Method You Don’t Know But Fixes Blockage In 2 Minutes

How do you unclog a severely clogged drain? You tried a plunger,  boiling water, drain cleaners, baking soda and vinegar, none worked. You are not sure where the clog is, and you think going from the top with a plumber’s snake may not be able to get through the kitchen drain and into the sewer pipe.  But before you spend more than $100 to get a professional plumber, you should try this trick shown in this video.

This simple method is so easy, you can do it yourself in a few minutes. But why have you not you heard of it? Professional plumbers won’t tell you because it is so easy, and is an embarrassingly simple way for them to make money. The realtor never pointed out this house feature when we bought the house, and many realtors I talked to do not even know of this.  Many DIY tasks may be difficult for people who are mechanically challenged, but this DIY is easy, as long as you have used a plumbers’ snake (also sometimes called a “toilet jack” or an “electric eel”), you can unclog the blockage in no time.

Check out the other video to use the same outlet for “Removable Kitchen Gray Water System 2: Free, Easy & Without Plumbing Change”:

0:00 chemical failed
0:20 plumber does not tell, realtor does not know
0:45 the outlet
1:05 demo T joint
1:53 detect blockage location test
2:49 plumber snake turns 90 degree