How To Unclog Stubborn Kitchen Sink Drain, Easy Method You Don’t Know But Fixes Blockage In 2 Minutes
This simple method is so easy, you can do it yourself in a few minutes. But why have you not you heard of it? Professional plumbers won’t tell you because it is so easy, and is an embarrassingly simple way for them to make money. The realtor never pointed out this house feature when we…
4 Steps To Fix Leaking Kitchen Faucet. Stop Drip!
https://youtu.be/XT-SIIvOMN4 A leaky faucet is not just annoying — the drip, drip, dripping sound is irritating and that permanent puddle of water at the base is unappealing — but also wastes water. Repairing a leaky faucet is often an easy and inexpensive project. I am going to show you how to do that. The faucet…
Adjust or Replace Treadmill Walking Belt, Everything You Need to Know
It is important to adjust a treadmill walking belt when it is needed because if you don’t there are likely to be some bad consequences, such as increasing wear and tear on the belt or motor or worse.
Treadmill: Folded Walking Belt Fix, Replace & Adjust
have you heard of this treadmill “walking belt guide”? No one has talked about this, and it took us significant time and effort to get any information from the manufacturer, but we found it was a very important part for keeping the belt centered.
Any Angle: 7 Free & Easy Ways To Attach Cell Phone To Tripod
https://youtu.be/sxKmTM9lTEg Virtual meetings are quite common now including yoga classes or sports training, so placing the cell phone on a desk to capture one’s head is not sufficiently wide angle. To view the whole body with a much wider range of angles, this video shows you how to place the cell phone on a tripod…
An efficient way to cut and consume a pineapple without mess or waste of fruit
https://youtu.be/w3yzDDQ8CU8 Many people are very focused on using less energy and producing less waste, so as to live in a way that is not harmful for the environment. Especially for daily routines, small things can add up fast. Sometimes saving the environment means extra work for us, however my simple ways will still save you…
Removable Kitchen Gray Water System 2: Free, Easy & Without Plumbing Change
What’s more, if you change your mind, you can restore your drain system to its original state in moments, and no one can tell the difference. The best part is that it does not cost you anything, it only takes a few minutes to install and a few seconds to remove.
8 steps To Rebuild & Replace Privacy Fence, DIY Fence Part 3, Things to Look For Hiring Contractor
I will show you how to make a simple privacy fence, with either a board on board or a louvered design.
DIY Fence part 2: Two Privacy Fence Gates and 3 Different Gate Latches
When repairing an old gate or installing a new gate, you may find it is heavy and hard to handle. So it is not easy to control the gap tolerance if you are working alone.. I will show you how to easily install the gate with tight control of the gaps.
DIY Fence Part 1: Math Formula For Board-on-Board or Louvered Fence or Fence Gate
When building a privacy fence or fence gate, many people simply estimate the amount of overlap and number of boards needed. Sometimes it is not easy to estimate and you may have done it incorrectly. I have not seen anyone providing an exact equation for the exact overlap in terms of the total length and…